
Web Design

Polaris was born as a handbook for modern-day conquerors, aiming to guide the audience towards adventure, just as the North Star did in the past.

The dissemination of information takes place through informative programs on the web radio and a pocket-sized volume that serves as a reference compendium. Both mediums are characterized by the desire to stimulate curiosity and ignite the explorer's passion for rediscovering adventure.

The web radio programs provide valuable insights and knowledge, offering listeners a wealth of information about various adventurous pursuits. The volume, on the other hand, serves as a practical guide, providing essential reference points for adventurers on their journeys.

In both formats, the emphasis is on inspiring individuals to embrace their curiosity and rekindle their desire for exploration, encouraging them to embark on their own unique adventures.

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Rishal Giuriati © 2024